Ein einfaches Kriterium zur Ermittlung der geeigneten Technologie stellt die Dichte des Produktes dar.
Density | Product |
low | wound dressing |
cell culture flasks | |
laboratory material | |
medium | infusion sets |
empty syringes | |
packaging material | |
high | implants |
instruments | |
disinfectants |
Dose | Process | Product |
low | decontamination | food packaging |
performance enhancement | semi conductors | |
medium | sterilization | medical devices |
pharmaceuticals | ||
pre treatment | granulate | |
high | crosslinking and curing | plastic components |
Produkt Leitfaden
Hier können Sie anhand des Anwendungsbereiches und der Produktgruppen die möglichen geeigneten Behandlungstechnologien finden. Ziehen Sie einfach den Pfeil über die Tabelle zu der von Ihnen gewünschten Kombination. Es erscheinen die Symbole für E-Beam, X-Ray oder Gamma.
Für eine detaillierte Beratung stehen Ihnen unsere Experten gerne zu Verfügung.
cell culture | consumables |
cosmetic packaging | plastic vials and cups |
crosslinking | connectors |
tribology | |
insulators | |
membrances and foils | |
doping | semiconductors |
solar cells | |
food packaging | beverages |
dairy products | |
perishables | |
laboratory | pipettes and pipette tips |
reagent tubes | |
medical device | blood collection |
blood sampling | |
catheters | |
haemodialysis consumables | |
laboratory | petri dishes |
medical device | sutures |
tooth implants | |
pharmaceutical packing | plastic vials |
granulate and fibres | granulate and fibres |
medical device | infusion sets |
surgical gloves | |
wound care products | |
pet food | pet food and tidbits |
pharmaceutical packing | closures |
functional inserts | |
single use hygiene garment | single use hygiene garment |
pharmaceutical | active pharmaceutical ingredients |
archiving | antiques |
archived records | |
books | |
clean room | clean room supplements |
cosmetics | beauty products |
disinfectants | |
ointments and creams | |
oral hygiene | |
shower gel | |
soaps and gels | |
medical device | bone cement |
combination products | |
stents and shunts | |
joint implants | |
rhinal sprays | |
pharmaceutical | blood and blood products |
lyophilisates | |
ointments | |
pharmaceutical packing | aluminum tubes |
infusion bags | |
ready to fill syringes | |
tissue alografts | tissue alografts |
agriculture | disinfestation |